Independent Third-Party Inspection
ASTRON independently verifies compliance to the specified requirements during the design.
ASTRON ensures your assets will perform its required functions in a safe, reliable, and fit-for-service condition with our asset integrity management services.
Asset integrity management (AIM) is a reliable, safe, and cost-effective solution to maintain assets in fit-for-service condition while extending remaining lifetime. AIMS should define and monitor integrity requirements through every stage of Asset life cycles from design, through construction and commissioning, to operations, maintenance and modifications, and decommissioning. It integrates all aspects and disciplines that directly and indirectly impact on integrity or performance.
ASTRON provides specialist support in all areas of AIM, including process safety, risk analysis, mechanical integrity, and inspection and maintenance optimization to ensure the reliability, safety, and productivity of your company assets. ASTRON’s AIM services enable your organization to confidently evaluate the condition of your assets based on documented evidence.
ASTRON AIM Services Includes: